Inflammation in the body is brought upon by many factors such as lifestyle, diet, stress, and disease. It can be damaging to your health and is one of the causing factors associated with chronic disease and cancer. In order to decrease or prevent inflammation in the body it is important to incorporate foods into your diet that help limit and prevent inflammation as well as limit those that add to or increase inflammation in the body. That being said, you might be asking “what kind of diet helps decrease inflammation in the body?”

Decrease Inflammation In The Body With The Mediterranean Diet

An anti-inflammatory diet involves eating whole foods that are nutrient-rich and contain lots of fiber, omega-3s, and antioxidants. This means a diet free of unprocessed foods such as refined starches, soda, fried food and more. And instead filled with vegetables, whole fruits, fatty fish, legumes, and nuts. The Mediterranean diet follows the dietary goals of an anti-inflammatory diet and is ranked high among doctors and dietitians. Studies have also shown how this particular diet protects against diseases linked to cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and inflammation in the body.

Foods That Contribute To Inflammation In The Body

  • Refined carbs – bread, pastries, and most desserts
  • Soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages
  • Red Meat
  • Processed Meats

  • Hydrogenated Oils – margarine, lard, shortening

Foods That Help PREVENT Inflammation

  • Olive Oil
  • Fruits – Strawberries, Oranges, Blueberries
  • Fatty Fish – ex. Salmon
  • Nuts – almonds/walnuts

It’s not just about inflammation in the body it’s also about preventing disease. Most foods associated with increased inflammation in the body also promote chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. To improve health and ensure optimal health try adopting an anti-inflammatory diet to help combat some health ailments while also preventing chronic disease. When you eat a more balanced diet filled with whole foods and good fats you not only promote weight management and overall physical health you also encourage a healthy environment where inflammation can’t live. Many times adopting an anti-inflammatory diet can help to cure minor health ailments while preventing them from festering and becoming more prevalent.

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